Jim Ryun Festival of Miles

Jim-Ryun-Festival-of-Miles-33-232x150Thursday, June 5 – San Diego, Calif. – The Janes had a once-in-a-lifetime race at the Jim Ryun Festival Miles this past week. Brushing shoulders with famous runners from the past was a cool part of the event Jim Ryun, Mary Decker Slaney, Meb Keflezighi, Jearl Miles Clark, Deena Drossin, to name a few – The Janes put on their own good show in the masters mile. Tania, Kirsten, Christine and Claudette all had a good showing and were fortunate to race together at the beautiful Balboa Park Stadium at Balboa Park in San Diego with Tania and Kirsten going first and third respectively.  The picture at right shows Tania and Kirsten (with Grace Padilla who finished 2nd) on the podium getting a picture with Jim Ryun.