Nike Women's Half Marathon San Francisco

10407442_10154677024645251_9071523582702549960_n 1016461_10154675897035251_7709289680038763781_nTania, Kelle and Sissel, ran this past Sunday at the fanfare-filled Nike Women’s Half Marathon in San Francisco. They ran great over the hilly, hilly course that rolled through the beautiful and iconic city of San Francisco.

Tania was second overall in a great time of 1:25.04. She was two seconds ahead of the third place women. Kelle was 38th in a time of 1:31.21 and first in her age division (although former Olympian marathoner Joan Benoit-Samuelson at the age of 57 and winner of her age group finished a little ahead of her). Sissel was 103rd overall in a time of 1:36.06.

For complete results, click here.